Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “IRC”
September 14, 2010
Mockups and Tools
IRC can be an excellent source of information, especially on the right networks, but every once in a while you have a conversation that is so disappointing you have to share it.
<br></br>22:15 < morgajel> I'm using mockito to mock up a Dao, but I've run into an issue: What is the proper way to mock up chained getters, i.e. sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Account.class).list()? a mock with a mock with a mock is considered bad form, so I'm not really sure how I *should* handle this.
read moreJuly 10, 2008
What’s blue and white and still not working?
My internet connection.
SO here’s the scoop
5 days until cutover:
I call AT&T, tell them I’m moving and need to transfer my Static IP DSL service on the 30th(Monday). Tech says no problem it’s all set. I am pleasantly surprised at how little of a hassle it was and that it was way smoother than any other interaction I’ve had with them.
Saturday, 2 days until cutover:
We’re planning on doing the actual moving Sunday morning and plan to spend Saturday packing and planning.
read moreMay 16, 2008
What’s on QA…
Had an amusing conversation with a developer at work that had the feeling of an abbot and costello bit. I’m leaving his name out of this to protect him, but he’s read this site before and will know instantly that it’s him. The conversation revolves around our new continuous integration system, and how the terminology has changed.
BTW, QA=Quality Assurance, UAT= User Acceptance Testing (staging)
(10:50:50 AM) morgajel: ok, so after talking to mick, it looks like my suspicions were correct
read moreJanuary 29, 2008
alt+z strikes again
I’m claiming the win on this one… remember that the tinyURL that this bot messages is in fact a link to tubgirl.
15:14 -!- Pats-Sox [] has joined #asp 15:18 we dont want any chowda heads in here 15:25 "chowda head"...I don't know why that just caused a really really bad "yo momma" joke to pop in my head 15:28 I just googled "chowda head" for the heck of it. This site is pretty funny.
read moreNovember 21, 2006
The Harassment of CoolGui
This happened a month or 3 back and I forgot to post it. we enjoy harassing each other, and I felt the need to share this with the rest of the world…
in #asp:
08:26 < CoolGui> dude
08:26 < CoolGui> I’ve had a fever since saturday
08:26 < CoolGui> Now I have these stomach cramps that won’t go away
08:27 < CoolGui> And all the doctor did was tell me it was probably a virus and call him if I didn’t feel better in a couple of days.
read moreJuly 25, 2006
Ziggy release 1.0
Well, I’ve got this turd polished well enough to release Ziggy 1.0. There’s still a lot left to do, and a lot more to add, but this is a good place for people to start looking at it.
Feel free to download it and take him apart- I’ve included the very truncated Dribbly.xml profile (dribbly is surly, be forewarned) and kept ziggy’s real config under wraps. enjoy!
read moreJuly 20, 2006
My Pickled Herring is not Red
11:13 -!- lori [45dddd1f@A3455140.59D83169.126F8B2.IP] has joined #irc 11:13 jesse are you there? 11:14 he might be 11:14 want me to go get him? 11:14 sure why not 11:15 * ziggy runs off with a pickled herring under his arm 11:15 yo 11:16 what is jackie's work number? 11:17 *shrug* 11:17 I don't know. 11:17 well what good are you? 11:20 we're all wondering that 11:21 well, other than sperm donor- he seems to have gotten that down.
read moreJuly 13, 2006
More IE Fun
ran into a problem with mod_rewrite and IE- a real one this time. IE was choking on files that were being downloaded via mod_rewrite. same script worked without rewrite, died with it.
Did some research and with a lot of help from noodl of #apache figured out it was because mod_rewrite adds a “Vary: Host” line to the header, which apparently IE chokes on. loaded the header module in apache and added “Header unset Vary” after my rewrite and all is good- cvs, pdf, zip all download properly.
read moreMay 3, 2006
Dependencies of Dependencies in FreeBSD
Something that is really aggrivating the hell out of me is FreeBSD’s package management system. I’ve heard people go on and on about how it’s the best out there, but frankly I’m unimpressed.
The main reason for this is there is no way to determine ALL of the dependencies that are going to be installed when I install a package.
Lets do a comparison of a freeciv install on my workstations vs the freebsd server:
read moreApril 5, 2006
Slow Decline of Writing Skills
I’m sure I’m not the only person to notice this, but my spelling and grammar has been getting worse. I don’t think I’m the only one suffering from this problem.
I’m pretty sure I can attribute it to the internet in general, and this blog/irc in particular. Why do I blame them? Because I’ve gotten used to typing as fast as I can and hitting enter without proofreading.
With the blog, I do proofread a bit, but not nearly as much as I should- with IRC, I rarely even think if I *should* say it before hitting enter.
read moreMarch 31, 2006
Humanizing Ziggy
For those that are not familiar with Ziggy, he is a character based on a DnD character from a few years back and has taken on a life of his own. He’s made an appearance in my Willis module for Neverwinter Nights (based off the same campaign), a book that I’m writing, several sketches as to what he looks like, and an IRC bot written in perl.
The IRC bot is what has really shaped his personality, and he’s become pretty much another member of the group.
read moreMarch 5, 2006
This Week’s 10 Minutes of Hate: Linux Midi
Midi- oh, how do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways…
I’ve never liked midi, it’s fabricated, boring, hollow existence bothers me whenever I hear it, yet I am currently at it’s mercy. Linux may be ahead of other operating systems in many respects, but for some reason, midi support seems to have been completely passed over.
One of my side projects right now is writing a CD. a useful tool for writing a CD is a Piano.
read moreFebruary 2, 2006
Two new Linux users
Well, sorta- they’re not new to linux, but they installed Debian on their home machines as part of a 2 month experiment.
Yojimbo is looking for a better job, and I’ve been trying to help him develop some skills that will make it easier. I’ve taught him a little perl in the past and he’s used linux at the college (EOS lab at GVSU), so it wasn’t too big of a jump.
read moreJanuary 19, 2006
Stupid is as Stupid does.
I don’t even know where to begin. This morning has sucked and it’s no ones fault but my own. It started with the DMA crap- the one machine where it would really help is the fileserver. I needed to simply change the chipset driver, recompile the kernel, and reboot. This should be simple for even a semi-competent linux users.
However, I am a moron. Each mistake I make, I’m gonna put a little * next to it.
read moreDecember 31, 2005
Hrm… I think I’ll try something new this year. As some of you know, 12/31 is my birthday, and I’m 26 now. That makes it twice as good to look back on my life and reflect. So what’s changed? Quite a bit. I always had a goal growing up, that when I was 25, it would be the one of the best years of my life. Looking back, I think that it very well could be.
read moreOctober 17, 2005
well, almost. A few years back I had just finished working on a multi-threaded matrix multiplication project for a class, and jumping between that and bash scripting, which I was fairly new to at the time. I asked the following question in the #asp channel when I bounced back to writing ASP:
(morganj): 0 is false and 1 is true, correct? (alec_eso): 1, morganj (morganj): bastard. This quote made it’s way to bash.
read moreOctober 14, 2005
Wall of Lamers
I wrote this script a while back, thought I’d share with the gentlemen in #asp. It works great if you’re on a *nix box. It shows who has tried to !search, as well as how many times they tried it.
#the keyword
grep “!search” $LOGFILE | \
# remove the baiters and regulars- they know the score.
grep -iv ‘k_f\|subnet\|morg\|pytte\|Crusher\|lanshark\|carlsb\|\|LlamaHerder’ | \
grep -iv ‘James_But\|vp.bofh\|mylo\|shedao\|ram\|phool\|bebez\|rochess\|maestro’ | \
#make sure we don’t accidentally get the topic
read moreOctober 14, 2005
Another IRC Porn Loser
Sometimes I really enjoy IRC a bit too much. you see, I spend a lot of time in the #asp channel, which at one point was a good place to talk about Active Server Pages. ASP is now pretty much dead, and the channel is a plain old (and rather vicious) chat channel.
The problem is, on another network, #asp stands for, so people come in all the time looking for porn passwords.
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