rsyslogd-3003: error -3003 compare value property – ignoring selector
By Jesse Morgan
If you ever come across this message:
Jun 27 10:52:52 detc6ut002 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.8.10" x-pid="30899" x-info=""] start
Jun 27 10:52:52 detc6ut002 rsyslogd-3003: error -3003 compare value property - ignoring selector [try ]
Jun 27 10:52:52 detc6ut002 rsyslogd: the last error occured in /etc/rsyslog.conf, line 65:":programname, regex, 'ASA-[65432]-' ~"
Jun 27 10:52:52 detc6ut002 rsyslogd: warning: selector line without actions will be discarded
Jun 27 10:52:52 detc6ut002 rsyslogd-2124: CONFIG ERROR: could not interpret master config file '/etc/rsyslog.conf'. [try ]
Make sure you’re using double quotes on your regex string.
:programname, regex, "ASA-[65432]-" ~
This took me far longer than it should have to figure out. Let me know if you find this helpful.