Saul’s Gimpy Inversion
By Jesse Morgan
Note for next time- If I ever need to invert the alpha and black on 40+ layer images, this script-fu will do the trick in gimp.
(define (get-all-real-layers image)
(define (get-children group)
(let loop ((children (vector->list (cadr (gimp-item-get-children group))))
(sub-layers '()) )
(if (null? children)
(reverse sub-layers)
(loop (cdr children)
(if (zero? (car (gimp-item-is-group (car children))))
(cons (car children) sub-layers)
(append sub-layers (get-children (car children))) )))))
(let loop ((top-layers (vector->list (cadr (gimp-image-get-layers image))))
(all-layers '()) )
(if (null? top-layers)
(loop (cdr top-layers)
(if (zero? (car (gimp-item-is-group (car top-layers))))
(append all-layers (list (car top-layers)))
(append all-layers (get-children (car top-layers)))) ))))
(lambda (layer)
(gimp-image-select-item image CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE layer)
(gimp-drawable-fill layer FOREGROUND-FILL)
(gimp-edit-clear layer) )
(get-all-real-layers image) )
Big thanks to saul on for this snippet.