Puppet Training Notes from Day 2.
By Jesse Morgan
Notes from Day 2:
- subscribe is the other side of notify the same way require is for before.
- In puppet.conf, under [agent] set graph=true for previously mentioned dot file creation.
- I need to take a look at concat, file_line and augeas.
- Use puppet parser validate init.pp to quick validate syntax.
- audit=>’content’ will track changes, even if puppet doesn’t care what it is.
- Setting default values in a class can drastically reduce manifest size.
- Use ${::hostname} to access the fact hostname rather than a potentially overridden local value.
- Use path=>’blah‘ more to make exec command easier to read;
- You can test fact conditionals with FACTER_operatingsystem=Debian puppet apply ../tests/init.pp.
- check out vagrant, looks useful.
- You can use rubular to test regexes.
- There is a presentation on using “profiles and roles” design pattern that’s worth rereading
- Profiles can be treated as a collection of modules.
- razor server is the provisioning tool that Joe mentioned, but it’s not ready for prod usage.
- We can define a new resource type for vhosts and define them individually. I need to keep an eye out for other uses.