Perl shortcuts in Vim
By Jesse Morgan
Since I’m home sick and trying to figure out how to do something productive with my time, I figured I might as well share something useful. The following are a few hotkeys I have set up in vim that I use when working on perl:
map <F2> : call PerlCritic()<CR>
map <F3> : call PerlCheck()<CR>
map <F4> :!perltidy -i=4 -ci=4 -syn -w --add-semicolons --indent-spaced-block-comments --closing-side-comments --cuddled-else --maximum-consecutive-blank-lines=2 -l=120 -wbb=" + - * / x \\!= == >= <= =~ \\!~ < > ? & = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= ?= >>= ??= //= .= \\%= ^= x="<CR>
func! PerlCritic()
exec "w" "Save the file
exec "!perlcritic --stern "expand("%:t")
func! PerlCheck()
exec "w" "Save the file
exec "!perl -c %"