alt+z strikes again
By Jesse Morgan
I’m claiming the win on this one… remember that the tinyURL that this bot messages is in fact a link to tubgirl.
15:14 -!- Pats-Sox [] has joined #asp
15:18 we dont want any chowda heads in here
15:25 "chowda head"...I don't know why that just caused a really really bad "yo momma"
joke to pop in my head
15:28 I just googled "chowda head" for the heck of it. This site is pretty funny...
15:28 Chowdahead
15:32 !search Chowdahead
15:32 myles_ > Your search returned 12 results. Press alt + z to receive a link to them.
15:33 -!- edmundo [] has joined #asp
15:33 -!- myles_ is now known as myles
15:33 !search Chowdahead
15:33 myles > Your search returned 12 results. Press alt + z to receive a link to them.
15:35 -!- edmundo [] has left #asp []
15:36 !search chowdahead
15:36 Pats-Sox > Your search returned 12 results. Press alt + z to receive a link to them.
15:38 it can't be a coincidence that edmundo left immediately after the post to press alt
+ z....twice
15:39 once is funny, twice is HILARIOUS
15:39 nevermind, one was a join. jokes on me
15:39 Pats-Sox: you think it's funny, but you didn't even see what happens AFTERwards
15:39 the bot does send a link.
15:39 do I dare ask to what?
15:40 only one way to find out.
15:40 lol
15:41 Don't take it personally, but I'm not trusting you right now
15:42 what? after you've known me for 15 years? wait, thats someone else. I see your point
15:42 I'm thinking that a bot can't process the key combo because the key combo is
processed by the irc client, therefore exiting the channel before the bot can catch the key press
15:43 worst case scenario, I'm wrong, you pop out, pop back in, and I laugh like a retard.
15:44 if I'm right, the bot messages you and gives you the blue pill.
15:44 A normal key, z, could not possible work as well alt-F4. It just can't.
15:46 pornocracy
15:47 Pats-Sox: only one way to find out
15:48 my do-not-push-the-red-button sign, let me show you it.
15:48 alright, I'll take one for the team....
15:48 -!- Pats-Sox [] has left #asp []
15:48 -!- Pats-Sox [] has joined #asp
15:49 ...and my technical analysis of the situation was absolutely incorrect....
15:49 and the IS THE SINGLE MOST REPULSIVE THING I have ever seen in my life
15:49 and I am a farely demented individual